Thursday, September 11, 2008

What do you do with...

My mind was wandering, as it often does, and I thought, "I know what I do, but what about everyone else?" So, here are some thoughts...

What do you do with...
  • Bills: pay each as it comes in or save them up to do as a pile? I get paid once a month, so my bills wait and get paid all at once.
  • Laundry: fold straight out of the dryer, or let it sit in the basket until you get to it? As hard as I try to do it right away, it almost always sits for a couple of days.
  • Email: answer it right away, or wait a few days? I answer right away.
  • Decisions: go with your gut or labor over the right thing to do? Of course, it depends on the decision, but I try to think the ones through that are emotionally loaded.
  • Desert: eat it or watch your waistline? I am a pig, I eat.
  • Bad days: hash them out when you get home or put them out of your mind? I usually try to minimize the hashing when I get home (Mike would say I do not).
  • Sleeping on the weekends: sleep in or get up and enjoy the day? Get real, I sleep in!
Ok, just some unimportant, random thoughts!

Have a happy day!

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