Sunday, April 6, 2008

Raccoon Update

This is just a quick update to the raccoon saga from yesterday. It disappeared during the night. We don't suppose it has gone far, given its seemingly lazy nature. We'll keep the trap baited and wait. More to come!

The day has bumped along to early evening. We found several messes in the barn today that pretty clearly signal the end of the raccoon. Looks like it got into some of our Cockadoodle DOO Organic Weed Control (this stuff is great, by the way), our SuperHot Compost Starter, several pounds of TomCat Rat Poison, and some old cat food I had in a Ziploc bag. We are not sure how long the feeding frenzy lasted (one night, more than one night?), but the bag of cat food was covered in blood (inside and out) and there were bloody footprints all around. The poison was put away in the potting shed and not out on the floor, so this is a case of suicide, not homicide. The stupid raccoon got into the box, took out the bag, ate a hole in it, then ate the contents.

We don't know where he wandered off to die. I suspect he is under the floorboards in the barn, which will make for a lovely summer smell. Brother. On the up-side, Mattie gets to go outside again :)

1 comment:

  1. ...Cockadoodle DOO Organic Weed Control, SuperHot Compost Starter, several pounds of TomCat Rat Poison, cat food in a baggie, and bloody footprints. This has all the makings of a good CSI episode. I say the neighbor's dog did it.


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