Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ups and Downs

Some days life throws us unexpected curve balls. Today, my curve ball was news that a co-worker (who I work for on a majority of my projects) and friend was in intensive care on life support. He works and lives in Washington DC and apparently was hospitilized earlier this week. The president of my company found out today told us in small groups.

I did not handle the news well. Almost no information was available on his condition and the circumstances of the hospitilization. We don't know when he was admitted. We only know he has a severe infection. The whole office was in an emotional turmoil -- no one having known that someone we cared about was in very dire straits.

Near the end of the day we learned that the doctors are optimistic and he has improved some. The information is sketchy, but at least news is good. I pray for his recovery and that God give him and his family strength. He is recently divorced (after over 20 years) and lives alone.

Events like this help to remind me that every day is precious. Every relationship we have is important. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten irritated at my friend and co-worker Howie, how many times I have yelled or snapped -- we have a very close relationship. I should not get irritated about things that are unimportant. I don't want my last conversation with a person to be negative. Since I don't know what conversation will be the last, I must remind myself to be patient and forgiving to others. We should hold our loved ones and friends close to our hearts, whether they are next door or far away.

Thank you, my dear and wonderful family and friends for being blessings in my life. I love you and value you. And, Howie, you better get well soon, or I'll have to go to DC and tell you in person!

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