Thursday, May 7, 2009

A closeup of our birthday gifts: Internet Connect Weather Station

We've posted about our weather station and all its doodads in recent months. We really like knowing all the meteorological details at a glance. Mike really wanted to take the system to the next level -- broadcasting conditions on the internet so we can get the deets any time.

Being the wonderful Mom she is, Pat got Michael the necessary equipment to upgrade our system to broadcast online. The Oregon Scientific WMR968 is a beautiful touch screen station with a serial output that can be connected to a computer.

We got the serial to USB cable and a software upgrade, and voila! our weather online!

We are now a personal weather station on Weather Underground. We can even make cute little stickers to post on other sites (see our footer and the example below in this post).

Next up, a little website that we customize with even more of our weather data.

Cool (or hot, depending on the day!)!!!

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