Friday, July 18, 2008

Time for a Change

Mike and I have been struggling for months over what to do with our "other" website. We rolled it into a blog in January, but were not really satisfied with the feel of it. After much discussion and deliberation, we have re-instated the website with an updated look and feel. The updates to the style were made last year, but we didn't roll out then because we weren't "finished." We decided, enough! we'll finish when we can. I really like the new look of things. We are maintaining the blog (which is not this blog, but a separate one) as well. Hop on over to the website and let us know what you think!

If you don't know what website I am talking about, hmm... Either email me to ask or leave a comment below (with your email) and I'll provide the info.

Have a super weekend! We're off to the Vineyard again tomorrow. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am interested in your "other" website. Thanks!


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