Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ice Storm

Massachusetts is still recovering from last Friday's ice storm. Businesses are still closed and homes are without power. I believe this is true of our friends in Paxton and Rutland since I still haven't seen any email.

National Grid, the main engery provider for a large part of the state, has a large facility in Northborough. When we drove by it (on I-290) this morning, there was a huge tent under flood lights and surrounded by trucks. It must be serving as a command center. All the way into Framingham we saw dozens (probably 50 in total -- at least) of power trucks heading west. Mike tells me that help is coming from across the country and from Canada.

The latest scam is for people to go door to door in Worcester telling residents they are employees of National Grid. For a fee they can be hooked up to power before their neighbors. Obviously, this is a scam. 1,500 National Guardsmen have already been deployed to help with the cleanup and act as miliary police to protect citizens.

We are slowly returning to a state of normalcy. While eastern Massachussets was pretty unaffected, central and western Mass still have a lot of folks without power.

Our friend Steve took the photos below on Friday and Saturday (December 12 & 13, 2008). I tried to put together a realistic view of the damage, along with some of the beautiful shots he took. Our many thanks to Steve for sharing.

As I understand it, Missouri is getting a snow storm right now. Stay warm everyone.

And only 9 more days until Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. we must say we were blessed we had the lights out thursday night till late saturday night. At 1 am i woke up to what sounded like bombs falling went out side to find the ice age. all I could hear around me was cracking tree's and them hitting the ground from all dirctions. Was kinda scarey but amazing how such a beautiful site could be so devasting.


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